I See a Tree; World Inside-Out
Thinking and beyond: inspired writings
*Let me put it this way: the most immediate experience you have is that of your own mind.
If you got that, you've got it. Because that is our immediate environment. We live in the mind. We are the mind. We experience ourselves functioning. But we loose sight of that, and we're preoccupied with what it did, rather than what it is.
You see, you can't think about the mind, you can't make an image, a symbol, a picture, a word. They are all phony. You can't grab the mind anyhow. There is no way you can say, "well I'll catch it when it goes by." Because you are the mind. So it is not something out there. You are the mind. You are that first and then you could have a thought. LIM
Thinking Critical vs Sympathetic 1 min audio/text 02/17/84
Looking into Mind Copyright 2019