• ANTHONY DAMIANI: on Soul and Unit of Life

  • SOUL DOUBLE NATURE: and the evolutionary journey

     Intro to Soul Double Nature

    Because of the paradoxically dual nature which the Overself possesses, it is very difficult to make clear the concept of the Overself. The Wisdom of the Overself

    Soul Double Nature: Inviolable and Becoming

    Each unit soul has an inviolable sanctity, in the sense that it is an image of God. But that it can be individuated and determined and fulfill a certain potential which is in the Mind of God, I think is a concept which is extraordinarily beautiful. . . . Class 01/06/1984

     Soul Double Knower: Insight and Understanding

    For Plotinus the unit soul or mind was a double knower. That is, it had self-cognition, undifferentiated being-consciousness, which included cognition of its source or origin. The lower knower or secondary phase that is the faculty of understanding and reasoning would evolve by its journey through the cosmic circuit which provided the circumstances, situations, and events that would educe its potential and make it actual through experience., 12/07/83

    Overself Nature from The Notebooks of Paul Brunton.

  • UNIT OF LIFE: you become Wisdom

     UNIT OF LIFE: a story

    “A seed of God grows into God."  Meister Eckhart

    YOU BECOME WISDOM: Eight themes on Soul's evolutionary journey

    So, in order to know something about the Nous, the World-Idea, this transcendent being which is our I AM sends its offspring into the World-Idea, to evolve along with it. . . . a continuous stream of life, a germinal intelligence or a germ of life from itself to that part of itself which is going to traverse all the kingdoms of nature. .

  • EPISTEMOLOGY OF SOUL: dancing with the Cosmos

     Witness-I and 360 Degrees of Zodiac

    The very function of manifestness or asmita is also the means by which the individual soul takes itself, at any level, to be part of the cosmos. ….the witness-I takes on the world-idea at a certain time--when there's the inner tendencies and attitudes and desires that it needs to express.  9/14/83

    Cosmic Epistemology

    --the stars are a theophany of radiating intelligences, distributing their presence and informing the universe through patterns of intellectual energy.  Astronoesis
