• UNIT OF LIFE: a seed of God

    UNIT OF LIFE or UNIT SOUL:  Transcendent and emanating… an evolutionary journey or unit of life as conscious living being and World-idea;

    AD: So, in order to know something about the Nous, the World-Idea, this transcendent being which is our I AM sends its offspring into the World-Idea, to evolve along with it. . . . a continuous stream of life, a germinal intelligence or a germ of life from itself to that part of itself which is going to traverse all the kingdoms of nature.

    First, a story:

    “A seed of God grows into God. Let yourself be. Let God be God in you.” --Meister Eckhart

    Yes, you are a seed of God!

    It seems to be the nature of the infinite to individualize itself as these unique centers of experience, which seem to go through a journey. This is consciousess appearing as a person. appearing as a person in the dream. This is your embodiment. Isn’t that beautiful “likely story”?

    The infinite Mind is a background for the unit of life to have experience. Behind all is the ground of Being. Emanating Unit Soul, Vedanta calls “jivatma” or unit of life, or I-Am: rays of the Divine Sun, Drops of the Ocean of intelligence. That ray of I-Am is not separable from the system of Nature, the universe: when the ray of consciousness lights up a center of experience we can call it “witnessing consciousness.” When it identifies with the ego, we call it a person. There are infinite variations on these centers of life: a cell, an animal, a human, a star… all are centers of experience: all are expressing the infinite. “what we can’t get directly [by contemplation], we hope to come to through the circuit” [World-Idea.] Plotinus Enneads 3.8.6

    “Consciousness appearing as a person,” a life-to life unit of life, means a journey of getting to express and know itself. Plotinus says:

    “From a ray of soul, and the organized body, there forms a distinct principle, the animate, in which are found all our experiences.” Enneads 1.1.7

    This ray of infinite identifies with an organ of experience, body, to experience the dream made of love. We share in the dream. The only way to do this is to have a place, a space time place, a diving suit,… a body. Whole ego/body/mind is a body for the self. That body/mind is made up out of the vibrations: the unit of life transforms the vibrations, and is transformed by the vibrations.

    That is how we can enjoy god’s love, dream. We enjoy it in little bits, in detail. Actually, it is nothing but the divine experiencing itself in and through and as these persons. Remember in “The Secret of the I” PB writes “there is really only a single observer through all the individual centers of experience.”   The whole thing is set up so infinite Mind can experience the infinite in/as/through time, space, body, to taste world in/through/as individual centers, being made ready and ripe to awaken. The cosmic energy/intelligence is educating us, drawing out from us, our potential.

    For us, this cosmic process seems to have two purposes. One purpose is an apparent unfolding of wisdom, soul qualities, power, maturity. The ray of life/consciousness is not only light, but has a spectrum of excellent soul qualities, we could say, that are being unfolded. Like kindness. HHDL says “ my religion is kindness.”   That kindness is Dalai Lama –ness. The deep nature of mind is full of wonderful qualities. Each ray is a special unique form of the infinite. Once the center of consciousness ripens enough to express itself, each center brings in unique qualities, divine names or attributes.  


    Overself is a uniquification, an infinitesimalization of reality. “Consciousness appearing as the person”

     Soul, in its nature as evolutionary, is intrinsically entangled with the world-idea. So in order to understand the evolution of the soul, we have to understand the evolutionary nature an dynamic intelligence of the world-Idea (and world-Mind.)

    Since the world is a world-thought, God is the World’s Mind. This has tremendous consequences. World Intelligence means intelligence of the world, source of the world, and present in and to and as the world. Intelligence means dynamic, orderly, creative and aware.

    The term “uniquification” refers to the fact that the soul has a unique spectrum. Plotinus gives us important pointers: “each intelligence is a unique form of Nous entire.” And the Omnipresence quote before: “soul is present entire in each moment of experience.”

    And there is another intertwined purpose: to “startle us to awakening.” When the shift happens, then the ray comes to self-recognition. The ocean comes into the drop: make yourself into a place where ocean can express itself.

    So this is what Anthony calls a “unit of life” or “unit mind.” Unit does not mean, in this realm, in any way separated off from the rest of reality. We need new concepts here:

    PB: Simultaneity, that he is and is not a two-fold being.”