Eight Themes on Unfolding Realization

    1. World-Mind is teaching soul (class and audio 1/4/84)

    Wouldn't you say that the World Idea is the teacher? Isn't the World Idea teaching you all these things?

    2. You are becoming wisdom   (class and audio 1/4/84)

    think of wisdom in the sense that the mind is destined to become the universe…in the process of mind becoming the world, it assimilates a certain wisdom that is inherent in the world….

    3. Purpose: 7/15/83]

    The purpose of life, according to Plotinus, is the acquisition of true knowledge

    4. Doubts must be answered   (class and audio 1/25/84)

    The fundamental question is built in. In other words, what does life mean? The fundamental question is built into you, and until it gets worked out, until every question is answered, you won't stop.

    "There is a kind of questioning which is built into each of us. It may work itself out over many lifetimes. The fundamental question is built into you, and until it gets worked out, until every question is answered, you won't stop. This questioning is our quest, it is the pressure of our divine Idea which is seeking to actualize itself.

    5. What Incarnates? : Standing in Your Own Way

    AD: Reincarnation is really misunderstood by anyone who thinks that the same principle, the Soul, is actually in the body.

    AD: The question is: “How could the Overself ever incarnate? How could Being incarnate?” If the I is an eternal and immutable principle, how could a matrix of possibilities be an appearance of it? How can the ego reincarnate if it’s a matrix of possibilities? And the Soul cannot reincarnate because it’s the principle of being

    6. Uniqueness:

    There’s a very positive statement about your ego. … Each and every person is a very special and unique interpretation or manifestation of his or her own higher self. So there are no two egos that are alike.

    the way I understand astrology is on this basis: that every individual in so far that he is an individual, in so far that he is part of the World Idea, there is a meaning in his life, a pattern of events, situations, circumstances. There is a growth of understanding that's taking place because of the interaction of this person with the world.

    7. Essential Comments on Ego and Egoism: in SIYOW

    Astrological view of Ego/individuality place in World-Idea

        Witness I, and light of the Soul : 9/14 and 10/14 1983

    The very function of manifestness or asmita is also the means by which the individual soul takes itself, at any level, to be part of the cosmos. ….the witness-I takes on the world-idea at a certain time--when there's the inner tendencies and attitudes and desires that it needs to express.

    The mental being that you are, or the Witness-I, is an expediency, because this is what you really are, the Overself.

    8. Consciousness Deepens mp4 1/27/84; 2/15/84; Cols. 03/24 1984; 9/21/83 separate file

    AD: Is it possible that consciousness has depths in it? … you're meditating and you realize yourself to be consciousness, is this the discovery of the soul? Yes. Is it also possible to consider that this discovery may simply be at the fringes, that you're at the outermost, that you've only touched on the surface, that there are depths within it that are treacherous? Is that possible?  
    DR: Yes
    AD: Yes. That's all I'm saying,...

    You're no longer dwelling in memories, anticipations, reflections ...that's all gone. You're in this state of consciousness, you are this consciousness. You are this awareness. Now you can start your investigation into consciousness. [14:53-55]

    The important point here is to try to understand by being that awareness.

    “And you have to remember that meditation also has a value, which if ever you should pursue it to the end, would make a galaxy a terrestrial incidence in your consciousness.”
    From The Notebooks of Paul Brunton on the Unit of Life