• Here is some of the vast cosmic background Anthony portrays for Astrology.  

    The sensible universe and its starry host is the primordial living scripture that embodies the wisdom of primal principles. –Astronoesis

    A look at the horoscope would reveal 360o — Ideas in the Nous; and in their totality can be conceived as a single entity or monad. These Ideas which are beyond–and the reference is not spatial–are associated with certain portions of the stars and referred to as the zodiac: Universal force fields or substances that have a boundless and radiant wisdom that a sensitive reverence recognizes as a source.  [AD Supp175]

    The object of knowledge for the soul incarnating here is the world ideogram which is given to an individual mind. This original world-thought is transparently lucid and subtle and a constantly metamorphizing logical unity or whole of its own intellectuality or the ideas which are the same as the 360 degrees. Astronoesis p. 48

    The ancients spoke of the realm beyond the constellations as the World of Ideas. These Ideas or universal substances are not in any place, but were mythologically represented by the constellations. To pictorialize this realm we can imagine the stars as statues of the gods*, or the Ideas, radiating a guiding influence throughout boundless space. The energy of their intelligence laid down the basic pattern within which our world, among others, would develop and unfold. The idea of the cosmos–the World Idea–and its inhabitants, evolving and manifesting, can be traced ultimately to this circle of Ideas. ..the signs are the paradigms of all living forms or species symbolized by the archetypal zodiac or inerratic sphere, which represents the immutability of the ideas. Astronoesis intro

    In this sense the stars are a theophany of radiating intelligences, distributing their presence and informing the universe through patterns of intellectual energy…. Each of these intelligences is a universal substance… It is not possible for the profane mind of man to acquiesce to these truths, but knowledge and devotion may bring him to that realization wherein the rising and setting of worlds is a terrestrial incident in Eternal Consciousness… Astronoesis intro 

    We will tentatively accept and inquire into the nature and structure of the cosmos as it was conceived by the ancient cosmologists and astrologers who claimed that its principles are gods whose activity is conascent with the being, knowledge, and experience of this very world. Our hope is that we will be led to a superior understanding, or rather, to a qualitatively different kind of understanding of our being here–an understanding that does not sidestep or deny the anomaly of sense perception, but, instead, reveals something of the meaning implicit in the orderly and evolving transformation that our minds and bodies undergo. In short, we are going to enter sympathetically into an analysis of experience as conceived by some of the ancient philosophers–to try to understand and appreciate the philosophic insight they summarized in the dictum: The world is full of Gods**.  Astronoesis intro

    Plotinus Enneads:

    Admiring the world of sense as we look out upon its vastness and beauty and the order of its eternal march, thinking of the gods within it, seen and hidden, and the celestial spirits and all the life of animal and plant, let us mount to its archetype, to the yet more authentic sphere: there we are to contemplate all things as members of the Intellectual–eternal in their own right, vested with a self-springing consciousness and life–and, presiding over all these, the unsoiled Intelligence and the unapproachable wisdom. –Plotinus Ennead 5.1.4

    I think, therefore, that those ancient sages, who sought to secure the presence of divine beings by the erection of shrines and statues, showed insight into the nature of the All; they perceived that, though this Soul is everywhere tractable, its presence will be secured all the more readily when an appropriate receptacle is elaborated, a place especially capable of receiving some portion or phase of it, something reproducing it, or representing it and serving like a mirror to catch an image of it. 

    It belongs to the nature of the All to make its entire content reproduce, most felicitously, the Reason-Principles in which it participates; every particular thing is the image within matter of a Reason-Principle which itself images a pre-material Reason-Principle: thus every particular entity is linked to that Divine Being in whose likeness it is made, the divine principle which the Soul contemplated and contained in the act of each creation. Such mediation and representation there must have been since it was equally impossible for the created to be without share in the Supreme, and for the Supreme to descend into the created.   –Plotinus Ennead 4.3.11

    Read More:  **Iamblichus”On the Gods” Excerpt