AD speaks of the degrees in terms of the unfolding journey of humans.... comments on these excerpts:

    Plotinus 1.1.7: “From the organized body, and a light from the soul, arises… the animate.”

    Plotinus: “the reason principle must not be left outside, but made one with the soul of the aspirant.”

    PB: “take the world-idea into the center of consciousness and make it your own through experience.”

    Plotinus: “What we cannot get directly we hope to come by the circuit.”

    Anthony used the descriptive name "the dragon" for the traces of life activity and the raw material of experience. Each individual is assimilating these ideas:

    … through this very medium, the organization of the earth's memories into a functioning entity, is imparted a ray of light or mind by the individual soul,” 5/27/83

    This partial consciousness streaming out through the organism gives rise to an appearance, the image of the world, within which it finds itself situated and it is these images in their totality that will constitute the lowest level of knowledge as for instance in Plato's divided line. 5/27/83

    So we must bear in mind that these bodies [-minds] are the medium through which a soul becomes sensitive to the sensible world--but these bodies are at the same time agents of the powers that are continuously being organized by the planetary powers.  5/27/83

    The common psychic structure we all share is the 360 degrees. Idea of Man P.6

    We said that in order for there to be an individual existence we had to think of this infinite light or this mind which is boundless--we can’t speak about it, except in this sense of being authentic being. And only when this is associated with, or permeates a cluster of thought, can you speak about an individual existent. And then I went further and gave the example: Now I examine into my behavior, into my thinking, and every time I have a thought, I can see that that thought is a manifestation of the degrees I’m working with. SIW?


    [See Corbin on “The god created in faiths” in appendix]