Degrees for Anthony indicate “meaning”… a complex word, with a spectrum of meanings.

    • The way I understand astrology is on this basis: that every individual in so far that he is an individual, in so far that he is part of the World Idea, there is a meaning in his life, a pattern of events, situations, circumstances. There is a growth of understanding that's taking place because of the interaction of this person with the world. … When you understand astrology you can see how the meaning, the pattern of events, are so peculiar to this individual and no one else. … in this way astrology can be a really spiritually potent tool, so that the person could try to be aware of what significances are blossoming as his life. He's living these ideas, he is these ideas, why not try to consciously understand what is going on? But most of us, of course, are living in the world like sleep-walkers.            SWEDEN TAPE 5 SIDE 1 P.68
    • "In the degree symbolism there is inextricably buried a hierarchy of meanings: that is, significances attached to the tropes' functioning." It can be shown that the understanding of a given entity, in all cases except the person liberated from the ego, can be traced back to these ideas which the categories of the imagination have manifested. It can also be shown that a deeper understanding accrues when the natal chart makes certain aspects with the planets by transit. It can further be demonstrated that a vastly superior and universal consciousness is transmitted through an individual soul that has particularized itself within the system of tropes that represents an individual entity. (Astronoesis, and 5/27/83)
    • We naturally assume that there is a significance and meaning to life; that there is some sense to the sensible. Beyond that, there are principles ordering that sense in the sensible, and these principles are the native's unconscious presuppositions. It's difficult to emphasize the magnitude of this point. Even with a sufficient maturity of philosophic understanding, [we cannot] it is difficult to stand aside from our presuppositions, or even recognize them. These presuppositions are behind both the perception of the world and the understanding of that perception; they underlie and order both the psychic and the somatic elements of experience. The structure of these presuppositions is indicated by the natal chart. (Jung paper)
    • It is these reason principles projected into physical circumstances that are the very understanding one must assimilate in order to become the knower, the higher soul. The astrological chart therefore attempts to join the processes going on in the subtle world with the experiences going on in the sensible world. These experiences have a compulsive nature which cannot be avoided and that forces the individual's attention towards understanding them. (Jung Paper)
    • "The entire unfolding of the chart including the chart itself is a projection from within the individual soul, and as such reflects the soul's unique vision of the Truth." [Jung paper]
    • “What do you read when you read a chart, anyway? Soul.” Idea of man p. 1


    Avery Comments: Each degree is a spectrum of meaning:

    Tropical Zodiac—tropes--Residue or traces of all life activity of the beings in Earth. Habits, past conditioning. Mind retains a trace (trope) of its own functioning. [World-Mind's kinetic memory.]

    Meanings you are going to assimilate: and unfold.

    A seed of God grows into God: these are the seeds of God

    Differentiation of the Earth's own aura, the force fields of the elements. [Mathematizing of intelligence of the World-Idea.]

    Windows into Infinity: each degree is an opening to intelligence, and tells something about a method of opening appearance to the inner essence. Soul is expressing its inner vision, our Celestial, in the chart; and accessing the Infinite Mind.