• B. Degrees as Ideas/Reason-Principles

    The 360 degrees in the Tropical Zodiac--units of the living meaning in the mind or soul of the Earth. Each degree is a “trope” = tendency… a drop of the Matrix of Mystery, a facet of a many faceted jewel (See Fa-Tsang Jewel Net of Indra)… an expression of wisdom and activity, a paradox, a divine image and archetype (and a whole mandala—a hologram). These are the seeds of God, the meanings unfolded in our life which are going to be actualized and assimilated: how we access and express the infinite intelligence.

    The object of knowledge for the soul incarnating here is the world ideogram which is given to an individual mind. This original world-thought is transparently lucid and subtle and a constantly metamorphizing logical unity or whole of its own intellectuality or the ideas which are the same as the 360 degrees. Astronoesis p. 48

    Anthony often used the neo-Platonic term "reason-principles" (logoi) for these ideas in the Soul. These Ideas are substances--as the planets represent function. There is a continuity of intelligence between the 360 ideas of the Earth Soul and the universal Celestial Ideas.  Here is the essence of his view…

    AD: "[Each] degree represents an idea in the Intelligence of the Earth." [OHIO transcript p. 161]

    AD: “.The intelligence of the Earth--what we spoke about as the forms in the Soul of the Earth-- the 360 degrees or Gods or archetypes, is the Earth’s soul interpretation of the Celestial Ideas. They’re really quite awesome.

    HS: Yes, I agree.

    AD: Alright, they create everything here, everything in our world is the result of their let’s say ideation or thinking. So when you reach that level of contemplation, any one of these ideas might reveal itself and it would be, we would say, the presence of a God. That would be contemplation.

    HS: I would have taken it that the Contemplation is outside the dragonic.

    AD: The Ideas which are outside [of the dragon] in other words, the Celestial Ideas, are very well reflected--if we use that term--by the Earth's Soul.... They are objects, universal objects, universal substances worthy of contemplation.

    HS: In the Earth's soul …itself ?
    AD: Yes.                                                --9/14/83


    “As soon as you bring in Ideas, what we're saying is that this universal being has substance. What is its substance? All those ideas. . .the usage of the term ‘substance’ is not in the sense of ‘matter,’ but ‘ideational consciousness.’ . . . We think of the wisdom of God or the Ideas of God, and we could think of them as substance, pure substance, pure being.” SIW, p.162 (see later on I thought too)



    Purpose of Life: Comment on Plotinus 3.8.6: 7/15/83

    Ohio 1984 0323: Astrology And Divine Ideas