• 360 and “I”

    In two classes of 9/14/83 and 10/14/83 Anthony explains the relation of the Overself and the Individual “I” or I thought-- in terms of the 360.

    “I” as Unit Soul The I AM is the Unit soul, or Overself associated with the undivided mind of the Sun and its universal ideas.

    The true I is what we refer to as the I Am, the Overself. But when that I incarnates--it is immaterial Mind per se--in order for this I to have some kind of being, by embracing the totality of the Void nature of the 360 Gods, this become the first of its thoughts. [9/14/83 p.9-10 ]

    Witness “I”: is the “I-Am” contracted to association with the 360 degrees or archetypes of the Earth.

    “The soul or the mind, the reproductive phase of the soul which comes into incarnation, assumes as its first thought this totality of 360 degrees as its thought, the I-thought; this is what makes you think that you are an ‘I’ here. That desire for earthly embodiment has no substance; it acquires this substance when it embraces the 360 degrees. Now it has standing substance or actual being, and it refers to this as its ‘I’.” Those are those entities that entice you to come in. “Come here: I've got something good for you!” [ 9/14/83 p.9-10 ]

    That desire for earthly embodiment has no substance; it acquires this substance when it embraces the 360 degrees. Now it has standing substance or actual being, and it refers to this as its ‘I’.” 9/14/83

    The common psychic structure we all share is the 360 degrees. Idea of Man P.6

    “I” as Mental Being When the “I” is associated with a certain limited selection of the degrees as identified in the natal chart, it is then called the individual mental being or ego.

    [6] “The mental being that you are … is an expediency, because this is what you really are, the Overself.

    [7] The individual mind is an aspect or a part of the Overself. That would be what we call the witness-I. But when the witness-I receives the idea of the world, then it is made into a mental being. which occupies the psychosomatic organism. In other words, the witness-I takes on the world-idea only at a certain time; that time when there's the inner tendencies and attitudes and desires that it needs to express. At that moment it seeks to identify with the intellectuality of the world, and in doing so at that moment it becomes a mental being.

    [8] The mental being is an organization of certain reason-principles. So when I speak to a person, he has mental presuppositions which are different from another's. If I refer to this as his mental being, then I'm referring particularly to the ideas that organize or constitute him as an individual distinct from other individuals. Whereas, when I say that you are the Witness-I, the 360 degrees, I can't distinguish you from anyone else.” 10/14/83, p. 7-8

    ANTHONY ON 360 and I thought audio/text 2 minutes

    ANTHONY ON 360 Gods audio/text 2 minutes